20/09/2021 Thank you Engineers Australia for the opportunity to speak at your panel.
06/08/2021 I will be re-joining UTS as a faculty member in a Lecturer role (equivalent to Assistant professor) on a continuing basis.
28/07/2021 I will be on a panel Quantum & Insurance panel in October.
28/07/2102 I will be on a panel at Quantum Australia 2021.
28/07/2021 I gave a high-level talk about quantum computing to Australian Astronomical Optics.
18/06/2021 Looking forward to talking to my neighbours at the University of Sydney on June 24th.
1/06/2021 I will also reprise my role as a PC member at QIP.
14/05/2021 Once again, I will serve on the PC for IEEE Quantum Week (Quantum Algorithms and Applications).
14/05/2021 I am excited to talk about my current work at Goldman Sachs on July 1st.
05/05/2021 Great news! Our work on barren plateaus was accepted at TQC 2021. My co-author Carlos will present our work.
13/04/2021 More talks! I’ll speak at a seminar in Bristol on June 2nd and at the Quantum Resource Estimation Workshop on June 19th.
6/04/2021 I was invited to speak at the Symposium on Quantum Machine Learning within the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) 2021 Annual Congress on June 8, 2021.
6/04/2021 It will be a great pleasure to give a talk at the upcoming workshop Quantum Information for Mathematics, Economics, and Statistics that will take place on May 24-28, 2021.
6/04/2021 I will speak at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (Singapore) CS seminar on May 5th, 2021.
23/03/2021 The next round of PhD scholarships for Sydney Quantum Academy is opening soon. Get in touch for more information.
12/03/2021 I am giving a talk at the 4th Women in Quantum Summit.
01/03/2021 I am officially a Sydney Quantum Academy Postdoctoral Fellow.
06/01/2021 It was my pleasure to contribute to a Quanta article on quantum algorithms for differential equations.
22/12/2020 Our UTS centre hosted The 20th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference. Invited talks can be found here.
18/12/2020 I was awarded a three-year fellowship in Sydney Quantum Academy.
12/11/2020 I was an invited speaker and a program committee member at Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning 2020.
30/07/2020 I talked at NASA QuAIL group’s virtual seminar.
29/04/2020 I gave a talk at an online-only BQIT conference.
17/03/2020 It is my pleasure to join the Editorial Board of the IOP Journal Quantum Science and Technology.
14/01/2020 I attended the wonderful CQC2T annual meeting in Kingscliff and talked about quantum algorithms.
13/01/2020 Thanks to all the organizers for wonderful QIP 2020. I had the honor to serve on the PC and won the best poster award for our algorithmic cooling work.
31/10/2019 I will be speaking about practical applications of quantum computing at CEBIT Australia.
23/10/2019 I talked to Science News about quantum supremacy.
15/10/2019 I received the IQC Achievement Award.
10-11/10/2019 I am an invited speaker at New Paradigms in Quantum Control Workshop.
2-4/9/2019 Visiting Griffith University and The University of Queensland in Brisbane.
30/9/2019 Our paper on quantum computing for quantum chemistry was published in Chemical Reviews.
05/08/2019 Started my Postdoc life at UTS working for Michael Bremner.
25/07/2019 Successfully defended my PhD thesis. Big thanks for my examining committee for their feedback and great questions!
10-12/07/2019 Visiting Zapata Computing in Boston.
04/07/2019 Visiting Matthias Degroote and The Matter Lab in Toronto.
19-21/06/2019 Visiting Simon Benjamin’s group in Oxford.
17-18/06/2019 Visiting Juani-Bermejo Vega in Berlin.
03-06/06/2019 I was an invited speaker at this year’s CEQIP.
07/06/2019 Our algorithmic cooling paper just appeared in PRL
05/04/2019 Our paper on simulating time-dependent Hamiltonians was published at PRA.
11/03/19 Sydney Uni, UTS, Macquarie and UNSW are joining forces to start Sydney Quantum Academy with a significant investment from NSW government.
10/2/19 The registration for the Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop is now open!
24/12/18 Our quantum chemistry review is finally out. Merry Christmas!
21/12/18 I finished my internship at Zapata Computing. Thank you to all my friends at Zapata for hosting me for three months <);-{